Mandatory Referrals for Troubled Employees

Employers--We Can Help With Difficult / Troubled Employees

If you have employees who are experiencing difficulties in their workplace or personal life, we can help.

Work Performance Issues

You can either suggest OR require the employee attend a set number of sessions as part of your company's corrective action plan for that employee. Some issues we can help with:

  • Absenteeism
  • Lateness
  • Away from workstation
  • Erratic Production
  • Decreased Reliability
  • Harassment, Sexual or other
  • Faulty Judgment
  • Work Relationships
  • Customer Complaints
  • Memory Problems
  • Personality Change
  • Frequent Accidents
  • Failure to Meet Deadlines
  • Argumentative
  • Hostile or Violent Behavior
  • Refusal to Follow Orders
  • Positive Drug / Alcohol Test Result
  • "Last Chance Agreement" to keep job

There are several types of referrals you can make as an employer. You can decide what type of referral to make, as well as how to communicate the referral to the employee. You can call or email our office with information about the referral, you can have the employee call and schedule, or both. The process is very easy!

1. Informal Referral
There are no job performance concerns at present. However, without supportive therapy services, the situation may result in a future performance breakdown. The employee makes the choice to follow through on the referral or not.

2. Formal Referral
A decline in work performance exists. The employee may already be receiving performance coaching. Ther referral is made as part of a corrective performance plan. There are expectations for the employee to attend therapy sessions as a tool to correct the performance problem. We can provide the employee with a letter for the employer stating session dates and level of cooperation, if desired.

3. Mandatory referral
Mandatory referrals are made to therapy when an employer is at the corrective action stage, where discipline or dismissal of the employee is likely, and there are mitigating circumstances that motivate company management to provide an opportunity for the employee to resolve the problem. Compliance with such a refferal is required. Failure to follow through with the therapy referral and treatment recommendations in full may be the basis for termination. Some reasons for mandatory referrals may include: violence or threats of violence in the workplace, domestic violence or harrassment, sexual harassment in the workplace, nation of origin discrimination, suicidal evaluation, or hostile work environment issues.

Please contact our office if you have any questions. We are here to help! Call 319-209-2084 or email [email protected]

Schedule an Appointment or Call with Questions

Please contact our office if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment : )

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